Investment Criteria
companies with solid records of performance. Our investors, principals, and partner companies all have requirements which we take into consideration when we analyze a submission. The following is an outline of the criteria which Levco Group commonly looks for in its transactions.
In most instances, a Levco partner company should have:
A product with stable demand.
Predictable cash flows.
Low-tech products not subject to rapid changes in technology or style.
A strong position in their market.
Levco also believes that the structure of a successful transaction must provide for:
The ongoing management team to have a substantial equity stake in the company.
Generous individual incentives and personal growth opportunities for management.
Investment opportunities for management in their own company and in other situations developed by Levco Group.
Preservation of the company’s name and independent identity.
Additional financing to realize corparate growth objectives.
Levco Group's mission
Levco Group understands that each business is special- each has its
special needs and particular concerns. In order to understand fully the unique qualities of a business, Levco devotes the very considerable amount of time it takes to learn from and work with senior managers/ owners/operators. There is no substitute for the engaged support and informed management which comes out of such a tight working relationship.
In most cases, big Wall Street investors and other large buy-out firms aren’t willing to spend the time it takes to develop this sort of relation-ship, and they therefore lack the understanding which would permit them to analyse accurately the worth of a smaller company. Because we at Levco Group invest a substantial amount of our time before we invest our capital, we are able to evaluate more fairly the true value of a busi-ness. Thus Levco is able to identify the smaller companies which have the greatest potential, and thus are we able to design the financial and management systems which will unlock that potential.

Levco Group
Levco Group’s mission is to bring to small and medium-sized businesses, financial institutions, and to its investors the level of professional commitment and expertise which historically have been available only to the largest businesses, those able to depend on their close relationships with the investment banking industry. Levco Group strives to provide the crucial services and management whick are fundamental to helping companies reach their fullest development. By concentrating on each individual company’s special requirements and defining specific key goals, Levco is able to aid each business in the achievement of its long-term strategic objectives.
When the owners, stockholders, and managers who have created these smaller companies join the Levco Group, we make it our business to understand what they most desire: the chance to bring their ventures to the next level of fruition, be it through divestiture for estate planning or personal liquidity, recapitaliztion for growth or modernization, merger for repositioning or distribution— or any one of many other customized strategies. Levco Group understands that our partners have everything at stake: the health and reputations of their creations-their businesses. We get to know each business and each principal precisely because each case demands its own methods and arrangements. We’re not in business to dismantle the very entities we wish to aid; we want to work towards mutually satisfying ends. Destructive tactics have no place in the Levco methodology: the considerations of a company’s name and its employees, vendors, distributors, and customers must all be included in the sort of genuinely cooperative ventures we wish to structure.
If mergers, divestitures, and recapitalizations have too often in the past spelled the beginning of harmful micro-management and meddling in the running of companies with good operating histories, it is in general I because the financial groups responsible did not know the businesses intimately enough to recognize their strengths, and tried to fix what was not broken. Intervention for its own sake is a deadly hazard in our field, and we at Levco Group are on our guard against it. In most cases, Levco does not seek to participate in the day-to-day management of a portfolio com-pany; rather, we prefer to remain active and engaged at the board level.
What Our Clients Say
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Project Manager
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Marketing Staff
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IT Programmer
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.